Werewolf Movie Image Repository 2000s

  From the late 90s on, werewolf movies have definitely gone down in quality with regards to practical effects, with CGI taking a center stage- some of it decent, some of it very bad. There's also a higher volume of movies, due to digital film-making lowering the barrier to access, which has led to some really interesting indie films and a lot of extraordinarily cheap and boring ones. Here I'll be attempting to catalogue what I can, as long as there's a werewolf on screen in the film and the design isn't just a pre-fab Halloween mask or just a guy with minimal make-up. I'm also skipping over a lot of CGI-only efforts, though exceptions will be made for CGI that had maquettes/models to start the process (such as Van Helsing).

The 2000s, despite a lot of cheap z-movies and more movies relying on CGI, did end up having some  really spectacular practical effects-heavy films, some of which I'd consider to be some of the most iconic and "classic" werewolf movies of all time.

What I'll be including: full length films, made for tv films, short films. The werewolves will range from the classic Wolf-Man style to more animalistic interpretations. I will also include films that aren't exclusively werewolf-centric, as long at they prominently feature a werewolf at some point (ie: anthologies like Trick r Treat, multiple creature films like Waxwork or Monstersquad, etc). Along with werewolves, I'll also be including a handful of films that deal with similar shape-shifters such as were-cats (Junoon, Sleepwalkers, etc) because there's not a ton of those. Basically, as long as there's a shape-shifter I'll probably include it.

What I will not be including: tv shows, commercials, video games, music videos (already covered in a different blog post), movies where the werewolf is only shown as an actual wolf or dog- unless there's an impressive transformation scene with practical or digital effects. If you wanted pictures of normal wolves, those are easy to find elsewhere. I'm also not including the Harry Potter movies or the Twilight Movies because there's enough pictures of them online and I do not want to see these movies. I'm also not including any films where "werewolf" just means a guy with fangs/creature contact lenses and nothing else, there's got to be some kind of actual monstrous and inhuman elements.

Click here for other decades: 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2010s, 2020s (these will all be clickable as I add new entries)

 Click here for the TV show werewolves

To find a film, hit control f, enter the name, and you can jump down to the film. They're listed by year and alphabetically within each year.

Films covered so far: Beast of Bray Road, Big Bad Wolf, Blood of the Werewolf, Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant, Cursed, Dark Moon Rising, Dark Wolf, Dire Wolf aka Dino Wolf, Dog Soldiers, The Feeding, Ginger Snaps, Ginger Snaps 2 Unleashed, Ginger Snaps Back The Beginning, Halfcaste, House of the Wolf Man, Kibakichi, Kibakichi 2, Nature of the Beast, Never Cry Werewolf, Prince Caspian, Skinwalkers, Trick r Treat, Underworld, Underworld Evolution, Underworld Rise of the Lycans, Van Helsing, Werewolf in a Women's Prison, Werewolf: The Devil's Hound, Wild Country

 Ginger Snaps (2000)

Effects by Paul Jones


Blood of the Werewolf  (2001)

 First segment, Blood Reunion- effects by R.I. Hallenbeck

Second segment, Old Blood- creature effects by Mike Strain Jr., Oaktree Studios, additional effects by T. Ranstill

Third segment, Manbeast- effects by Rosa Hallenbeck




Dog Soldiers (2002)

 Effects by Bob Keen, concept art and design by Dave Bonnywell


Dark Wolf (2003)

Practical effects by John Carl Buechler, CGI by Special Effects Solutions

Underworld (2003) 

Effects by Tatopoulos Studios. Concept by Patrick Tatopoulos, sculptures by Norman Cabrera, Steve Wang and Don Lanning

Ginger Snaps 2 Unleashed (2004)

 Effects by Greg Nicotero and Howard Berger's KNB EFX Group




Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning (2004)

 Effects by Greg Nicotero and Howard Berger's KNB EFX Group



Halfcaste (2004) 

Effects by Justin Stafford

Kibakichi (2004)

 Effects by Shigeaki Ito



Kibakichi 2 (2004) 

Effects by Shigeaki Ito



The Three Faces of Terror (2004)

 Effects by Apocalypse, supervised by Sergio Stivaletti, werewolf sculpted by Francesca Romana Di Nunzio, creature animatronics by David Bracci


Van Helsing (2004) 

CGI by Industrial Light & Magic, based on concepts by Carlos Huante and maquettes by Danny Wagner

 Correction: Mark Crash McCreery apparently worked on costume concepts for Van Helsing, not on the monsters.




Beast of Bray Road (2005)

Effects by Dizz Russo




Cursed (2005)

 Effects by KNB EFX Group







Wild Country (2005) 

 Effects by Bob Keen and Dave Bonnywell

Big Bad Wolf (2006) 

Effects by Autonomous F/X, Inc




The Feeding (2006)

Effects by H. M. Gandy, assisted by Leslie Lyons




Skinwalkers (2006) 

 Effects by Stan Winston Studios



Underworld Evolution (2006)

Effects by Tatopoulos Studios

Werewolf in a Women's Prison (2006)

Effects by Monster FX, Ron Karkoska


Nature of the Beast (2007)

 Effects by Paul Jones Effects Studio

Trick R Treat (2007) 

Effects by Tatopoulos Studios

Werewolf: The Devil's Hound aka Lycan (2007) 

Effects by Keith Palmer



Never Cry Werewolf (2008)

Effects by Paul Jones Effects Studio

Prince Caspian, The Chronicles of Narnia (2008)
Effects by KNB EFX


Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009)

Creature effects by Amalgamated Dynamics (aka ADI)


Dark Moon Rising (2009)

Effects by Alahouzos Studios FX



Dire Wolf aka Dino Wolf (2009)

Effects by Sota FX


House of the Wolf Man (2009) 

 Effects by Ron Karkoska and Mark Villalobos


Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)

Effects by Tatopoulos studios



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