Werewolf Movie Image Repository 1990s

Continuing my screencap project of all the werewolves and werewolf transformation effects in film, this post is for all the stuff from the 1990s. The 90s definitely don't have as lush an offering as the 80s, but it still has some really fantastic prosthetics, costumes, puppets and effects. I'm also including some were-cats, because the 90s had two very cool shapeshifter movies dealing with cat monsters. 
Unfortunately, the 90s is also were we start to see CGI take the place of practical effects and other effects that would otherwise be achieved by time-lapse, painting on/altering the film itself, or through methods like stop motion. In most cases, CGI looks pretty bad and it's best put to use either for assisting practical props or for scenes that might otherwise be dangerous for a human or animal actor. My other CGI hot take is that it often looks bad because VFX studios tend to be non-union and it's incredibly exploited labor. 90s CGI is also not as refined as it becomes in the decades following.

What I'll be including: full length films, made for tv films, short films. The werewolves will range from the classic Wolf-Man style to more animalistic interpretations. I will also include films that aren't exclusively werewolf-centric, as long at they prominently feature a werewolf at some point (ie: anthologies like Trick r Treat, multiple creature films like Waxwork or Monstersquad, etc). Along with werewolves, I'll also be including a handful of films that deal with similar shape-shifters such as were-cats (Junoon, Sleepwalkers, etc) because there's not a ton of those. Basically, as long as there's a shape-shifter I'll probably include it.

What I will not be including: tv shows, commercials, video games, music videos, movies where the werewolf is only shown as an actual wolf or dog- unless there's an impressive transformation scene with practical or digital effects. If you wanted pictures of normal wolves, those are easy to find elsewhere. I'm also not including the Harry Potter movies or the Twilight Movies because there's enough pictures of them online and I do not want to see these movies. I'm also not including any films where "werewolf" just means a guy with fangs/creature contact lenses and nothing else, there's got to be some kind of actual monstrous and inhuman elements.

Hit control f and enter the name of the film to skip down to it.

Click here for other decades: 1930s 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s (these will all be clickable once other entries are finished)

Click here for the TV show werewolves

Movies Capped so far: Amulet, An American Werewolf in Paris, Arizona Werewolf, Bad Moon, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Colmillos el Hombre Lobo, Eyes of the Werewolf, Full Eclipse, Howling VI: The Freaks, Howling VII: New Moon Rising, Junoon, Meridian, Moonchild, Project Metalbeast, Return of the She-Wolf, Sleepwalkers, Waxwork II: Lost in Time, Wolf

Meridian (1990)

 Creature effects makeup by Greg Cannom



The Return of the She-Wolf aka Powrót Wilczycy (1990)_
Special effects by Jan Olejniczak, Aniela Lubieniecka, Andrzej Kukula, Andrzej Laba

Amulet (1991)
The credits were unclear who did the mask, possibly visual effects artist Jirí Rumler.


Howling VI: The Freaks (1991)

Effects by Todd Masters Company and Steve Johnson



Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)

 Effects by Greg Cannom



Junoon (1992)

Effects by Ken Diaz





Sleepwalkers (1992)

Effects by Alterian Studios. Creature design by Tom Hester with fabrication by Brian Penikas, John Blake and Mike Smithson



Waxwork II: Lost in Time (1992) 

Effects by Bob Keen, assisted by Paul Jones, Neill Gorton and Dave Elsey

 Colmillos, El Hombre Lobo (1993)
Effects by Arturo Galicia and Rafael Cordoba


Full Eclipse (1993) 

Effects by Alterian Creature Crew (now Alterian Studios), supervised by Tony Gardner


Moonchild (1994)

Practical effects by Mike Hellman, Paul Van Dan Elzen, Jeff Sisson, Deric Bernier, Matthew Walsh, Todd Sheets


Wolf (1994)

Effects by Amalgamated Dynamics and Rick Baker






The Howling VII: New Moon Rising (1995)

Effects by Roger Nall


Project Metalbeast (1995)

Effects by John Carl Buechler

Arizona Werewolf aka Werewolf (1996)

Effects by Mark Williams and Mike Tristano

 Bad Moon (1996)
Effects by Steve Johnson's XFX, Inc

An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)

Werewolf design concept by Peter Lloyd, CGI by Santa Barbara Studios, practical effects by Magicon and Crawley Creatures

Eyes of the Werewolf (1999)

effects by Jeff Leroy



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