
Showing posts with the label series

Watching: Castlevania Season 1, Screencaps (Monsters, Alucard)

 I started watching the Netflix Castlevania adaptation, despite never having played the games (I'm not a huge video game person and it's really time consuming when I do play them). Pretty fun, bloody, grim and has some decent crass humor. I like the animation style too. There's a lot of exposition in season 1 but enough action to make up for it.  I should probably note that I haven't been blogging or capping everything I'm watching, which would be exhausting given that I'm on a movie-per-night habit now, more or less. A better log of what I'm watching + reviews is on my letterboxd. Here's a big dump of Season 1 screencaps of Dracula's demon army and some caps of Alucard as well.